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Re: Good deal on SRM spider only option [trener1]
trener1 wrote:
Slightly off topic, but this seems like the right crowd.
My question is regrading the head unit.
I have a older Garmin Edge 705, but that has ant+ would that work ok with the SRM? would rather not have to buy another computer if I don't have to.

Any Edge ANT+ head unit will work with SRM. However, there used to be an issue with the Edge units not being able to turn off the auto-zero for the SRM. I believe Garmin issued a firmware update that fixed this with for units above the Edge 500, but for some reason I don't think this was ever fixed on the Edge 500 (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

In any case, if you don't care about turning off auto zero then this is a non-issue. But I know that many people have complained of wonky power readings from their SRM due to the zero offset being reset at random times by the Garmin Edge head units.

If you do decide to purchase a PowerControl 7 (PC8 won't be out this year, apparently) SRM says they will have a special upgrade price whenever the PC8 comes out.
Last edited by: aaronechang: Dec 4, 14 15:18

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  • Post edited by aaronechang (Cloudburst Summit) on Dec 4, 14 15:18