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Re: Why do I need a Wahoo Kickr Trainer? [sp1ke]
sp1ke wrote:
I'm having a few second thoughts now because of all the accuracy issues that people are complaining about but hopefully these are fixable in firmware and will be resolved soon.

sp1ke, I am one of those that just posted a difference between Kickr and Quarq power comparison. Although it bugs me I am still very happy with the Kickr for other reasons. For me it is not as critical to have it dead on the money since I don't have a coach (I don't compete either) and I am not passing on bogus data to a coach to analyze. In this case it would appear with the Kickr reporting higher it would look like I am progressing quite fast, but only for a short period until you settle into week to week targets for certain durations.

One thing that matters to me the most is being consistent with training and since I train inside during the weekdays year round I want a setup that is enjoyable to use. For me personally I never could get in the groove using the KK fluid trainer so I bought eMotion rollers and used a Powertap hub on an older road bike and my weekly volume and intensity increased. I found the eMotion rollers to be really pleasant to train on. Since I purchased the Kickr back in August I have only been on the eMotion rollers once. I really like the combination of Kickr and TrainerRoad. I like the ability to be in erg mode and let the program control the resistance, whereas, using TrainerRoad and the eMotion rollers I had to constantly watch and work an extra bit just to stay in the target wattage.

I am with you that I hope the folks at Wahoo can figure out a way to get this sorted out so that my data in the PMC will not be skewed by inflated data from the Kickr.
Last edited by: Felt_Rider: Nov 24, 14 9:43

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  • Post edited by Felt_Rider (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 24, 14 9:43