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Re: Plantar Fasciitis-run through it? [endurance1234]
endurance1234 wrote:
I've been running competitively for 6 years. I never had plantar fasciitis before and all of sudden I get it. I ramped up my run training following my IM 4 weeks ago but nothing I couldn't handle before. Do you just run through this and hope it gets better? It doesn't hurt to run but I feel it more just walking around.

I'll preface this with "I'm not a doctor or a physical therapist" just a guy that runs a lot.

NO! I have a training partner that had that same mind set, got so bad they she was out for 9 months trying to get it back just so she could jog pain free. If it were me I would go super proactive about it.
- get the sleep boot/sock
- ice it constantly
- roll your foot on a frozen can of juice or something along those lines.
-stretch the calves before you get up in the morning
- look up exercises for the foot on youtube (like picking up a sock with the bottom of your foot)

It may get better if you do these things and continue to run on it but i would honestly replace my running with some swimming and biking in a small chain ring with little resistance. This might take 2 weeks or so, but its better than dealing with Plantar Fasc for the next couple of months.

(insert inspirational/witty/comical signature here)
Last edited by: teacherman: Oct 20, 14 8:55

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  • Post edited by teacherman (Cloudburst Summit) on Oct 20, 14 8:55