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Racing Cyclists: Help for a Cat 4
I need help designing a plan for the end of this year and winter, and I need your input. I was hoping I could get your input on what I've been doing for the last 6 months or so. This is my first season racing and have learned a lot since riding and racing, but I want to progress as much as possible. Short background-30 years old, living in Southern California, former triathlete, and long distance runner. Love to run but stopped to spend time on the bike and fell in love with it.The last time I tested my FTP is 270 and I'm 148 pounds. I've been doing some form of this routine for about 3 months and I'm curious if you can help guide me in a better direction or direct me to someone who can. Thank you.

Monday - Evening Trainer Ride

10 minute warmup about 50-75%. 6x3 minutes at 315 watts(117%), 2 minutes in between at about 50% or 135 watts. Then, 4x2 minutes at 324 watts(120%). 2 minutes in between at 50%. 10 minute cooldown. I attempt to do the intervals to my power drops by about 8%, but it all depends on how much time I have. The workout is definitely hard and I make sure I can do at least what I stated above.

Tuesday- Evening Ride: Approx 2 hours

Sweet spot to upper tempo ride for entire duration. 230-250 watts, trying not to go below 230 in the ride.

Wednesday- Evening Ride: Approx 2 hours

20 minutes at 88%-94% FTP to a local hill. 5 or 6 hill repeats(approx 9 minutes) at 103%-111% FTP. It's about 4 minutes between repeats where I am riding at 50% downhill. 20 minute ride back at about 85% FTP.

Thursday - Evening Ride: Approx 2 Hours

Sweet spot to upper tempo ride for entire duration. 230-250 watts, trying not to go below 230 in the ride.

Friday- Evening Ride: Approx 2-3 hours

Tempo ride at about 82-84% FTP for entire duration.

Saturday: Morning Ride

Group ride. Usually about 2.5-3 hours. About a tempo ride.

Sunday: Race

Usually a crit.

I add some variety into this routine each week. Some rides on the trainer I will do 2x20 minutes at 100%FTP with a 10 minute warmup and 10 minute cooldown. Other times on the trainer I will do 2x20 minutes at 100% with 30 second out of the saddle sprints every 2 minutes. 10 minute warmup and cooldown.

Recently I started going to the gym and strength training(legs) for about 45 minutes before a trainer ride. When I do go to the gym before riding the trainer I will do the 2x 20 minute routine(without sprints). I may cut the lifting out when I'm racing but we'll see since I just started going to the gym.
Last edited by: xrookiex: Sep 12, 14 19:02

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  • Post edited by xrookiex (Cloudburst Summit) on Sep 12, 14 18:50
  • Post edited by xrookiex (Cloudburst Summit) on Sep 12, 14 18:52
  • Post edited by xrookiex (Cloudburst Summit) on Sep 12, 14 19:02