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Re: Still running while pregnant and more psoas/lower back pain than usual? [AndyPants]
Hi there - sounds like this may not be the issue, but best to rule it out, as it can become chronic if left unchecked and often flies under the radar – look into pubic symphysis dysfunction (http://www.athletico.com/...s-pubic-dysfunction/)

The pain you'd have would be lower by the front pubic bone - it sounds like yours is higher and deeper, in the abdominal area. But pubic symphysis can refer pain, so best to make sure. It requires special attention to get it under control (happy to share my own story if needed). Again, it doesn't quite sound like you have this, but it's often misdiagnosed, so throwing it out there simply as a thing to rule out.

Congratulations and I hope this dissipates!
Last edited by: zhaus: Sep 8, 14 19:32

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  • Post edited by zhaus (Xantusia) on Sep 8, 14 19:32