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Re: Achilles' tendon issues [sharknado]
sharknado wrote:
Super article; recommended reading. Thanks much.

x2. that's probably the best article i've ever read on the subject...and i've read a ton of them.

to the OP, one thing i recently became aware of (and it's also stated in the article posted above) is that a possible reason why i suffer from achilles tendonitis is b/c of where I push off on my foot when running. i recently saw a few pictures of my gait during races, looked at my shoes, and realized i push with the outside of my foot badly. According to the article,

"...runners who would go on to develop Achilles tendonitis had a weaker "push" off the ground and put more weight on the outside of their foot during the middle of the stance phase of running."

If I were you, I'd take a look at your gait, especially if you're a mid- to fore-foot striking runner. I'd also work on correcting imbalances in your muscles (entire legs, not just calf) and start doing eccentrics (calf drops).

Good luck!
Last edited by: d00d: Sep 5, 14 10:41

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  • Post edited by d00d (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 5, 14 10:41