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Re: Sitting all day...subtract 8% from your workouts.. [Kentucky Mac]
Kentucky Mac wrote:
I work freelance and switch job locales by the month. I've been close to pulling the trigger on this...especially since it can hold 2 monitors:http://www.varidesk.com

I used a standing desk all last year while training for long course. My legs were constantly sore from all the volume along w/ being on my feet all day. This year I've been sitting again, and i'm able to do more volume w/ less soreness.

If you've never used one before, be prepared to be in a decent amount of pain for the first month or so. Some people I work with bought a drafting chair, but then ended up sitting in it more often than standing. YMMV.


"Sweep the leg...Do you have a problem with that?" - John Kreese
Last edited by: CobraKai Triguy: Jul 25, 14 7:47

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