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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [Mister944]
Mister944 wrote:
Prayers? Topless women? Possible holy war? If you guys say free beer I am gonna sign the fuck up. I have to find a way to pack my bible, sword, camera and beer stein in my rented bike box!
Party on Noah! Party on Ahmed!


We handed out about 60 beers at the top of the last little uphill before the stretch to the Lynch downhill during the Olympic Sunday. Also some OtterPops, bubbles and rocking music. Alas, there simply wasn't room to have a free beer for everyone, but we did our part.

I sprayed a few hundred people down with a cooling mist from my super soaker on saturday, and it was pretty hot, so I'd like to think I helped.

Wildflower is great. Excellent atmosphere. Yes, there is a prayer before the race. Oh, the tragedy. I'll be there either racing or spectating for years to come. Tons of fun.
Last edited by: kamakazitp: May 7, 14 9:41

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  • Post edited by kamakazitp (Big Pines) on May 7, 14 9:41