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Re: 2014 Spring Classics thread ***spoilers*** [Jordano]
Jordano wrote:
echappist wrote:

Also, Kiel Reijnen could get a top ten or higher, based on his performance in Philly last year

I don't know about that one, the Mur de Huy is about a third longer than the Manyunk Wall:


Kind of changes it towards a VO2 max effort and not an anaerobic one. I sure would like to see an American conti rider pull out a good one though-makes me feel better when they eat my lunch in races here!

Good point. but they hit Manayunk like seven times. so in the end still quite aerobic in nature. That said, the Philly course is easier than Fleche, so there's that. But i think he has the potential to do well

PS. Saw that you are doing Joe Martin. Good luck!

edit: they actually hit Manuyunk 10 times last year with the course revamp. The 7 time as i mentioned before was from 2012.

Files from:

Haga: http://www.strava.com/activities/57841154
Reijnen (caddy): http://www.strava.com/activities/57998778
Anthony (steak knives): http://www.strava.com/activities/57847065
Last edited by: echappist: Apr 21, 14 16:25

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by echappist (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 21, 14 16:25