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Re: How do you know when bonkage is imminent? [Sojourner]
Two related questions:

1) Roughly how many calories before (true) bonkage? I have heard a rough figure of~2000 calories for glycogen stores, but have gone ~2800 cals with only ~300 calories of gels/drinks without experiencing anything I would call a real bonk. I'm curious how much more reserves I have beyond that. I'm sure it depends on weight (I'm 200#) and pace. Does anyone have a good estimate for calories of glycogen per lb of body weight or muscle mass?

2) On a hot race day, I staggered around feeling drunk for ~20 minutes after an Olympic race. I couldn't walk a straight line, felt disoriented (not just tired) and almost couldn't stand. This wasn't bonking -- was it heat exhaustion or dehydration or what? Just wondering whether I should focus on drinking more or cooling off more next time.
Last edited by: sjstuart: Jul 22, 05 11:45

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  • Post edited by sjstuart (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 22, 05 11:45