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Re: Jordan Rapp vs Clayton Fettell power analysis in Melbourne [RChung]
RChung wrote:
styrrell wrote:
jackmott wrote:
No, climbing is not part of IF/TSS at all.
Only power and the athlete's FTP

styrrell wrote:

I'm kidding in the sense that their computer reported vastly different amounts of climbing. I'm assuming the amount of climbing is used in calculations for things like IF and TSS, so comparing them is difficult in this case.

I have no idea how they are calculated but if two guys do a 60 minute 40 km ride, one dead flat and one up a 5% grade. Assuming both are the same weight and same FTP wouldn't ones IF and TSS be higher?

I'm starting to understand the comments you've made in the past about power, power meters, and their uses.

My comment was simply that the two readouts gave vastly different elevation gains for the same course. Somewhat obviously they are at least measuring that parameter different. People commonly compare readouts from different racers and different courses on different days. I just beware of making too fine of comparisons given the differences seen here.

Last edited by: styrrell: Mar 25, 13 15:58

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  • Post edited by styrrell (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 25, 13 15:58