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Re: Men and Turnoffs [karencoutts]
I'm going to reply to myself, when I mean to reply to all.

To clarify, I don't ride all that fast when I'm commuting or doing errands. I'm on a 30 year old bike, for goodness sake, which weighs a ton. But I am going faster than the men (and women) that I pass. I know this because I catch up to them, slowly, but I do catch them. Then they work themselves into a frenzy to catch me to pass. As soon as they pass, the MEN pull off. I've had maybe one woman do this--it was really like she wanted to race me, but I *know* I was going faster because I caught up to you, silly.

MistressK, it makes sense that some of them use me as a rabbit. I do that when I'm racing too, but it's more like I see a person in the distance and I try to catch them. That's what you did in your case on your mountain bike. Not where somebody passes me and I damned if I'll let them pass and then I try to stay with them to try to pass them back.

feman, hahaha! I love your MAMIL rule!

QRgirl, I get mansplanations all the time. I've got to steal your term, love it!

JenSW, I am not a very good runner, so it would be cold day in Hell before I have to worry about passing anyone on the run! The only thing I'm good at is sprinting. I do sprint at the end (if I have anything left) but I guess I must do a stealth thing, because nobody has time to react before we cross the finish line.

npda: yeah, that happens to me all the time, when someone pushes off just as I come to the wall!!! HATE THAT! Then I have to put on the brakes and don't fully push off on my flip because otherwise my streamlining fingers will be jammed up their anus. It's like they underestimate my speed (probably because my form kinda sucks)--or maybe they just are clueless on lane etiquette?

bLeP, I have man hands! They're gigantic with spidery fingers and would well match a six foot tall man (I'm petite). Better for pulling water, right? And I love my man hands, so useful for typing and piano playing. And slapping faces. Yeehaw!

I had a "race" with a trio of men on the weekend. It was a one way race--we were just going at our regular pace. My group of five caught up to and passed them and we were going 38 kph at the time, and soon after they tried to pass us back, yelling "ON YOUR LEFT!!!". They were doing maybe 42 kph to pass, but they could not hold that pace for long (it was very windy) and they dropped back down. So we drafted behind them until we had to stop to say goodbye to one of our group. Then after that long stop, we saw them again, and caught them about 15 minutes later. That means that our pace was higher, doesn't it? It was the conclusion of one of the men in our group (I was riding with all men) that it was my ponytail that made them race us.
Last edited by: karencoutts: Mar 14, 13 15:28

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  • Post edited by karencoutts (Cloudburst Summit) on Mar 14, 13 15:28