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Weight Loss program experiences?
Hi all - In the last 2.5 months I've put on 22lbs because of new medication I'm on. It is horrible. None of my pants fit anymore. I need to fix this. I'm going to switch or get completely off the meds which will help but the weight I put on won't magically go away when the drugs do.

I haven't trained for anything since the fall and am pretty much sedentary. This in some ways is an advantage right now because I can drop my calories and not have to compensate calorie-wise for 10 hours of running a week. I can do 45 mins of day of exercise to burn calories and get back in shape and not have to take in big calories to support it. I figure I'll spend 6 months on weight loss and building my strength and cardio back before diving back into building mileage and committing to a long event.

I'm toying with the idea of going through something like Weight Watchers. I know how to eat, how much to eat but I am big on needing accountability and have always succeeded when I have someone to hold me to the commitment. I went through a program at my local gym that is medically supervised and it was awesome but it is extremely expensive and not in my budget. I wish it was. I'm also no longer a member so it will be even more expensive.

Has anyone gone through one of the organized weight loss programs? Is it a waste of my time since I know what I should eat but just want support and accountability? Since I live alone it is damn easy to eat like crap and no one has to know.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
Last edited by: JenSw: May 25, 12 19:37

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  • Post edited by JenSw (Dawson Saddle) on May 25, 12 19:37