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Re: nice graphic: where your tax dollar goes [mopdahl]
"So you truly believe that families/individuals A-C should be paying more taxes or paying at the same percentage as family/individual D?"


As stated in another post the problem lies in the idea that in order to make it equatable at this time, without running numbers, I suspect that the lower 50% would have to pay 100%+ tax rate.

(Added: After thinking about this for a while it woud seem that if we simply raised the tax rate all to the same as the highest level we would all be paying the same amount and would have more money coming into the treasury. I'd be for exempting everyones first "X" amount of income from any tax except SS which would be put into a PA. By raising everyon's rate we would all be paying equal percentage and we could use the excess to pay off some debt. I'd actually go for this is it was legislated in conjunction with some serious "meaningful" spending reforms.)

Again as I stated in a prior post the entire budget needs to be shrunk t the point that it can be a fair tax and reasonable tax rate.

The plain and simple fact is that all of us, me included, that aren't paying a higher rater are freeloaders plain and simple. I don't like being put in a situation were I'm dependant on others for what I'm getting. It's wrong.

Last edited by: MJuric: Mar 2, 05 4:58

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  • Post edited by MJuric (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 2, 05 4:58