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Re: How was your week? Feb 14 Edition [tigerchik]
Thanks, this week's not shaping up so well. I did get my last long run in yesterday (15k with a ridiculous amount of climbs on trails - it's not the distance but the duration and efforts required to complete that run that make it "long"), I may have another flat&easy 15-20k left in me, but I wouldn't consider that "long" anymore ;-)

I had to blow off a swim already this week for... a job interview. I desperately need to leave the co I'm at now. My staff, all 20 of them, are amazing and I love working with them every single day. My boss, the COO and his boss the CEO - well both are passive aggressive bullies, stubborn, will not change one iota and will never leave the company kind of people. I am so tired of being verbally abused by the COO, and often in front of my peers or my staff. I am in the wrong role at the company as well; I was brought in as a "change agent" and have done just that, but I cannot develop my career any further in such a short-term-thinking environment (we are a project based company). The job interview was for a role that is much more suited to my skills and offers a lot more opportunities in the future, even if it is a step back in responsibility and pay - for now. I have a week and a bit left at work before we leave for NZ, and it's looking good for an offer for this new role. I'm very excited but nervous and really worry about my staff. I don't know what will happen to them. I guess I might have a chance to poach some of them ;-)


Editing my goals: This week: The 85% week (18 days til IMNZ)
Run 4x (M/W in the morning; T/F at lunch - focus on intensity) => so far 1 ez and 1 long+hard, on track.
Swim 2x (R at lunch, sun am?) => will swim today, but not Sun
Ride 2x (trainer only) => will only get 1 trainer ride in.
It will be hard to get any riding in, my sked this week (work, K) is already overloaded...


"How bad could it be?" - SimpleS
Last edited by: AndyPants: Feb 17, 11 6:39

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  • Post edited by AndyPants (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 17, 11 6:39