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Re: MarkyV: calling you out (for a friendly debate) [MarkyV]

You have way too much time on your hands on the big island. You need to get your butt back to Boulder where it is cold and crazy windy. You'll be lucky just to warm-up after a long ride, let alone debate the merits of various training techniques.

And speaking of training, I just had a long conversation with Mark Allen and Luis Vargas about this very topic, for this week's podcast.

I asked Mark what he thought about coaching, and the various new methods of training. His answer was that while the methods may change the human body does not....besides the old Kona records still stand (even with all of the new technology) so what is there to really discuss. I'm mainly paraphrasing of course, he's much more precise in his language.

Don't body surf too much ;-)

Roman "Iron Dumpling" Mica
If Not Now, When?
Last edited by: Iron Dumpling: Jan 28, 09 19:12

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  • Post edited by Iron Dumpling (Cloudburst Summit) on Jan 28, 09 19:12