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Re: New HED wheel and data [Macho Grande]
Well in the real world, which also has wind, just like a tunnel does, less grams of drag, at a given yaw angle, means you will go faster.

There are various online references, not affiliated with any wheel maker, which have done the math showing how much time is saved, for a given power output and drag reduction.

What exactly are you skeptical about? Do you think the "real word wind is somehow fundamentally different than wind tunnel wind, such that no time would be saved by having less drag?

I mean, people have down real world testing on these things too...

In Reply To:
How so?

If I am wrong, please let the denizens of ST accurately explain what the real world explanation (not-in-a-wind-tunnel) of what yaw angle, grams of drag, etc mean and the impact it will have on their race times, efforts, and rest....Go ahead.

Much like those who profer medical advice to those who ask, there seems a fair amount of aerodynamic interpretation bullshit that flies from the keyboards of many a ST poster. Most of these folks' knowledge of aerodynamics could fit into a thimble and their knowledge base is merely what they are told by reps, ST'ers, or read off of some marketing material.....

I stand by my comment.


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Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
Last edited by: jackmott: Sep 15, 08 6:50

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  • Post edited by jackmott (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 15, 08 6:50