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Re: Something borrowed...something FAST! [RChung]
Quick result update:

On a "slow" day on the 37.1K TT course (20F cooler than last year and lighter winds, which is actually a disadvantage on this course), compared to the setup I raced last year which has a CdA I measured to be .225 m^2 (Soloist with borrowed 808 front), I went 1:45 faster averaging 18 more watts (248 vs. 230)

I also improved my finish from 20th out of 38 riders in the Cat 4 division to 7th out of 34 riders. I was only 10s out of 5th (who says seconds don't count!).

I haven't had a chance to fully analyze the data, but for anyone who wishes to "play along" ;-), here's the relevant stats:
  • Temp. 53F vs. 73F last year
  • Air density - 1.124 kg/m3 vs. 1.08 last year
  • Bar. Press. - 30.31 mb vs. 29.95 last year
  • Power - 248W vs. 230W last year
  • Time - 52:49 vs. 54:34 last year.
  • Wind - similar direction (W to NW) but winds stronger on downwind legs (19K total out of 37.1K on this course) last year. This is going to be a tough one to account for...

So, if last year my CdA was .225 m^2...what was it this year? :-)

My "quick and dirty" estimate I made in my head (can you smell the smoke?) on the drive home (taking into account changes in Crr with the lower temps, higher air density, etc.) was that I basically was...ta da!...~2 seconds per km faster than I would have been otherwise (i.e. same frame as last year)...then again I may not have been thinking straight, so I don't quote me on that ;-)

BTW...I've got a great story about being dropped off the side of the start ramp by the so-called "holder" ~30s before my start =:-0 Ended up riding a TT with a bleeding gash on my right knee. Who would've figured I'd do a MTB race last Sunday and finish without a scratch and then I'd get injured in a TT a week later...before I even started!

I'm tired...I'm going to bed...got up at 3:50 this morning to drive to the venue...fun day.

Last edited by: Tom A.: May 24, 08 21:03

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Tom A. (Dawson Saddle) on May 24, 08 21:03