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Re: Cry like a little biatch here. [glo]
I got on Active at 9am sharp and filled in my name and credit card number including the 3 digit security code and diligently answered every question including my race resume and mother's maiden name and signed up for 8 extra tickets to the carbo meal and signed up for free 6 month subscriptions to 5 different magazines and even thought up a funny occupation and read and signed the waver and then had to go back and check the box that said I was 18 years or older even though I already told 'em I'm 48 and then clicked on the "finish registration" button and it took a few seconds and then it told me IMFL was full and I don't want to pay for a community slot and this is so unfair.....Wwaaaahhhhhhh!!!

Coach at KonaCoach Multisport
Last edited by: Terra-Man: Nov 14, 07 7:59

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Terra-Man (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 14, 07 7:59