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Re: Appears my buddy had the fastest swim of the day in KONA [sub.10.im]
Ya, it was so close betwen the two, I wonder who was actually pulling the race. Being that John is an old man like me, I bet he lost it on the run up the stairs to the timing mat. I really don't understand the pro swim, it was one for the history books. It is like Faris just put on the brakes with about 800 to go. They had a good gap, were pulling away, and then a woman makes a break, closes the gap, and pulls the rest of the large lead group with her. ANd there were many people in that group that have never been before, so I have to think that the pace was not that fast. Probably why Linda felt held back, and just had to go for it. Weird???
Last edited by: monty: Oct 22, 06 8:56

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  • Post edited by monty (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 22, 06 8:56