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BOB Ironman Stroller - Blue
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My boys don't fit it in anymore and now ride their bikes with me on runs. It's a 2012 model, fixed wheel BOB Ironman running stroller. It has probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 miles on it. See the description below from the BOB website. It was, in my opinion, the best running stroller out there. The fixed front wheel and bicycle style wheels made it easy to run with on any terrain and it didn't drift like many of the adjustable wheel strollers do. The brake made it easy to control on descents but it's not so heavy that it's tough to push uphill. It's not the best every day stroller though, for the exact reasons it's good for running (fixed wheel). If you want a dedicated running stroller, this is it. $150 plus shipping. I'm in the Virginia Beach / Norfolk area if you'd like to coordinate local pickup.

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