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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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I click on this thread once in a while to see if she’s improving. More out of curiosity than genuine interest.

But watch a WNBA game? I can think of many many other things I would rather do with my time.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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Well today I'm a professional WNBA fan so until my phone rings or a code pages out I'm watching.

Announcer just said Clark leads the league in takeaways. And not in the good way.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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The number of airballs tossed in this league is...impressive.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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Indiana has surpassed last year's total attendance numbers in the first nine games.

Speaking of steals, Reece is leading all rookies in takeaways while Clark is leading everyone in getting got.

Providing the details since you hate women and won't watch.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
Clark vs Reece today at noon, first time as pros.

Caitlin Clark and Angel Reece: the next chapter

It’s a game so far
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Clark can dish the ball, that's for sure. Deadly accurate in passing.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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One point game with 1:30 to go

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
One point game with 1:30 to go

Man, I knew scoring in the WNBA was lower than the NBA, but only one point scored seems ridiculous....


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
Clark can dish the ball, that's for sure. Deadly accurate in passing.

To the other team?

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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Yea she can dish the ball. She also just dished an L to Reese. Wonder if this one will feel extra sweet.

Double digit points and most assists again. That part seems to be consistent for her. She is an offensive weapon.
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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You and slowguy would be great WNBA courtside commentators.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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She is an offensive weapon.

If I heard correctly she's leading the league in combined points from scoring and assists.

Good chance they'd be 0-9 without her.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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Bill Laimbeer would be proud.

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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [axlsix3] [ In reply to ]
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axlsix3 wrote:
Bill Laimbeer would be proud.

Bill Laimbeer who was widely considered a dirty player by most people outside of Detroit?


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Bill Laimbeer would be proud.

Bill Laimbeer who was widely considered a dirty player by most people outside of Detroit?

Yeah that guy and he probably considers the modern game 'soft.' Can't beat the old Chicago-Detroit rivalry back then for sure.
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [axlsix3] [ In reply to ]
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axlsix3 wrote:
slowguy wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Bill Laimbeer would be proud.

Bill Laimbeer who was widely considered a dirty player by most people outside of Detroit?

Yeah that guy and he probably considers the modern game 'soft.' Can't beat the old Chicago-Detroit rivalry back then for sure.

Definitely agreed on how the NBA game has changed. Jordan had to pack on some muscle and learn how to fight through that stuff before he could bring the Bulls to the next level.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [axlsix3] [ In reply to ]
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axlsix3 wrote:
slowguy wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Bill Laimbeer would be proud.

Bill Laimbeer who was widely considered a dirty player by most people outside of Detroit?

Yeah that guy and he probably considers the modern game 'soft.' Can't beat the old Chicago-Detroit rivalry back then for sure.

The modern game is soft though
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
slowguy wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Bill Laimbeer would be proud.

Bill Laimbeer who was widely considered a dirty player by most people outside of Detroit?

Yeah that guy and he probably considers the modern game 'soft.' Can't beat the old Chicago-Detroit rivalry back then for sure.

The modern game is soft though

You could pretty much say that about most of the major sports today. Draymond Green has it right though, the Fever need an enforcer ala Al Secord for Denis Savard, Marty McSorley for Gretzky.
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [axlsix3] [ In reply to ]
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I don’t know if I was expecting this kind of reception in the league but I can’t say I’m surprised by it. Granted it’s only been a few incidents and maybe not much different from what happens in the NBA, but damn. I sense a lot of resentment in these words and actions.


The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
I don’t know if I was expecting this kind of reception in the league but I can’t say I’m surprised by it. Granted it’s only been a few incidents and maybe not much different from what happens in the NBA, but damn. I sense a lot of resentment in these words and actions.


On the one hand, I think anyone can understand some level of resentment from established league players when a new player was getting all kinds of attention and love from the press even before she played a second of pro ball. It's predictable human nature.

On the other hand, it really seems shortsighted and counterproductive. Like it or not, the WNBA is benefitting from the interest in Clark, and tangibly so even in the first few weeks of her career. I don't know what Clark is like on the court, but she doesn't seem to be deliberately feeding any of the media talk, so it's not like she's personally providing bulletin board material.

It's kind of like when a band with a strong cult following finally makes it big, and all the original cult fans are pissy about the new audience. They'd rather that their favorite band not have success, so they can maintain a kind of outsider status rather than share the band with a bigger group of people. It's almost like some of these WNBA players would rather have lower attendance and viewership and be able to claim that they're disrespected and under appreciated, rather than see those numbers improve because of new interest generated around Clark. Also seems like there's some amount of race based resentment from black players who think Clark is only getting attention because she's white. I can't tell if that's real, or just part of a narrative I've been seeing in some media reports.

Hard to tell from just watching highlights and SportsCenter and reading the occasional article. The game itself is still pretty unappealing to watch (obviously subjectively speaking).


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
I don’t know if I was expecting this kind of reception in the league but I can’t say I’m surprised by it. Granted it’s only been a few incidents and maybe not much different from what happens in the NBA, but damn. I sense a lot of resentment in these words and actions.


That’s wild haha. Chennedy is outside her mind with her actions and comments. I love the post game interview where a reporter asked her about the hit (that has now retroactively been called flagrant) and she responds by saying she’s not answering questions about Caitlin Clark.

Well Caitlin sure does seem to be living rent free in a low of heads including Chennedy’s. She’s mighty happy to take aggressive and uncalled for action but not happy to own it.

Why can’t they appreciate everything snother player does well and helps grow the sport but also tell her that she’s the new kid on the block and they’re gonna make her earn every accolade and mention. Both are easily doable without looking weak. Have both gamesmanship and class. It’s not that fucking difficult. But the fragile egos are coming out in droves.

The smug aggressive attitude of sport is so funny to me. They play a non-combat sport. Everyone acts tough but is looking for the foul and flop when someone does it back to you. The tough guy/gal attitudes in non-combat and no -tackle sports is so ridiculous.
To say nothing of the fact that the list of things Clark brings to the WBNA is long and growing by the game.

Just saw some stats on her first 10 games for pts/A/R and only she and Sabrina I are the ones to reach 150/50/50.

What else does she bring? Pffff lol you got a pen?
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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You’re right about that. There does seem to be that element of desire to play the victim than to take advantage of the opportunity Clark brings to them and their sport.

Very short-sighted on their part. And an emotional immaturity. I still think there’s something to the charter flight issue. The league’s entire salary is $18MM. The monies spent on charter flights could double their salaries.

They claim they are underpaid and want people at their games. Ok, well here’s someone bringing opportunities for both and more and you’re…pissed about it? And not taking advantage of it?

Wouldn’t it be something if Clark said “fuck this, and fuck you all. I’m taking Ice Cube up on his offer and gonna drain buckets in 3 on 3 for millions more than you’ll ever get from me now.”?
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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
I don’t know if I was expecting this kind of reception in the league but I can’t say I’m surprised by it. Granted it’s only been a few incidents and maybe not much different from what happens in the NBA, but damn. I sense a lot of resentment in these words and actions.


I've seen this exact statement in the comments section a lot. It reminds me of The Life of Brian:

"Ok, beside 3 pointers, slashing through the lane for layups, assists, rebounds, and carrying the offense load for her team, what has she done?"

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Re: Caitlin Clark (Sports Pioneer) [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, I mean she's quietly handling her business from what I can tell. There may be some on-court trash talking that we don't hear about but from what I'm seeing she's just out there doing what they're paying her to do. From a points perspective (points + assists) she's leading all rookies so she's living up to her draft position at a minimum. Regardless of who she is or what she did in college, for a rookie in the first ten games at the professional level, it's impressive. She'll be just fine.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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