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Re: Time Magazine Sold to Koch Brothers-Backed Company [Guffaw] [ In reply to ]
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Guffaw wrote:
big kahuna wrote:
Heh. What is best in life, Conan? ;-)

A: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

Hahahahahahaha! That's great! ;-)

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
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Re: Time Magazine Sold to Koch Brothers-Backed Company [dave_w] [ In reply to ]
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What tends to go unmentioned: the owners of Koch Industries, one of the world's biggest conglomerates, have kicked in an estimated $1.5 billion or so to an array of causes and institutions most liberals love: public television, medical research, higher education, environmental stewardship, criminal justice reform and the arts.

I'm well aware of what their Foundations do and its largely BS. You really need to look behind the veneer of their Foundation. For example, they have tried for decades to dismantle the EPA but to avoid public scrutiny, finance environmental programs to "appear" to be concerned with the environment. Go find a list of the top polluters in America and I can guarantee that most are owned by the Koch brothers.

The financing of the Arts was largely the idea of David Koch because he said it's hard for anyone to fault someone who donates. It was purely a public image rebranding.

It's a typical scenario, wealthy people set up a Foundation and then think they are above the laws. Lance Armstrong followed the same playbook with the Armstrong foundation and people fall for it all the time. It's amazing how people are willing to give others a pass if they just donate some money to charity.
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Re: Time Magazine Sold to Koch Brothers-Backed Company [Sanuk] [ In reply to ]
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Sanuk wrote:
What tends to go unmentioned: the owners of Koch Industries, one of the world's biggest conglomerates, have kicked in an estimated $1.5 billion or so to an array of causes and institutions most liberals love: public television, medical research, higher education, environmental stewardship, criminal justice reform and the arts.

I'm well aware of what their Foundations do and its largely BS. You really need to look behind the veneer of their Foundation. For example, they have tried for decades to dismantle the EPA but to avoid public scrutiny, finance environmental programs to "appear" to be concerned with the environment. Go find a list of the top polluters in America and I can guarantee that most are owned by the Koch brothers.

The financing of the Arts was largely the idea of David Koch because he said it's hard for anyone to fault someone who donates. It was purely a public image rebranding.

It's a typical scenario, wealthy people set up a Foundation and then think they are above the laws. Lance Armstrong followed the same playbook with the Armstrong foundation and people fall for it all the time. It's amazing how people are willing to give others a pass if they just donate some money to charity.

I'd like to be the first one to say, but, but, the Clinton's have a foundation too! Same playbook regardless of the name emblazoned across the letterhead.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
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Re: Time Magazine Sold to Koch Brothers-Backed Company [Sanuk] [ In reply to ]
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    Over the years I've read a variety of stuff about the kochs, and they mostly come across as libertarians. I also won't look past the good that the ultra-rich can do when they donate, whatever their motive. FWIW I've read many accounts of cancer survivors extolling the virtue and worth of Lance's foundation, even if I think Lance is a selfish prick, there is no doubt that many were helped in important ways.
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