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Religious extremist in my suburb.
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I know that there was a serious purpose to his visit, to wit saying "Sorry, sorry, we are really so fucking sorry, just ignore him, sorry" about the Orange Don to anyone who matters in the entire south east Asian region, but the christian jihadist Mike Pence has decided to take some "me time" in my neighbourhood over the past couple of days, and is generally making a pest of himself.

I thought the division of responisbilities was:

Trump: Taking holidays, Making America Great, Pissing off Friends and Foes alike
Pence: Work, Rolling back human rights, Apologising for Trump.

He's on Trump's turf. Take him back now, please.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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You're absolutely right, Australia should deal with China's encroachment on the Philippines and North Korea's petulance on it's own. Should work out perfectly fine for y'all down under.
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Post deleted by SS88 [ In reply to ]
Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Duffy] [ In reply to ]
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that is pretty funny i must say.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Duffy] [ In reply to ]
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Sadly, I'm old enough to have watched that when it first aired.


Gonna buy a fast car, put on my lead boots, take a long, long drive
I may end up spending all my money, but I'll still be alive
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [racin_rusty] [ In reply to ]
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racin_rusty wrote:
You're absolutely right, Australia should deal with China's encroachment on the Philippines and North Korea's petulance on it's own. Should work out perfectly fine for y'all down under.

WTF are you talking about?

If some foreign science denier's daughter wants to pet a koala, she should do so without half our local roads being closed. That would work out perfectly fine for us all.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
I know that there was a serious purpose to his visit, to wit saying "Sorry, sorry, we are really so fucking sorry, just ignore him, sorry" about the Orange Don to anyone who matters in the entire south east Asian region, but the christian jihadist Mike Pence has decided to take some "me time" in my neighbourhood over the past couple of days, and is generally making a pest of himself.

I thought the division of responisbilities was:

Trump: Taking holidays, Making America Great, Pissing off Friends and Foes alike
Pence: Work, Rolling back human rights, Apologising for Trump.

He's on Trump's turf. Take him back now, please.

Where, pray fucking tell in this above post is there any mention of a "science denier's daughter" petting koala's? I took your neighbourhood comment as a metaphorical reference to the geographical region that you live in. Apparently, you're a lot more local than that.

BTW if you want to be consistent with your anti-science message quit harassing fucking wildlife for financial gain. It's not good for them.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [racin_rusty] [ In reply to ]
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racin_rusty wrote:
You're absolutely right, Australia should deal with China's encroachment on the Philippines and North Korea's petulance on it's own. Should work out perfectly fine for y'all down under.

Viet Nam worked out really well.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [racin_rusty] [ In reply to ]
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racin_rusty wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
I know that there was a serious purpose to his visit, to wit saying "Sorry, sorry, we are really so fucking sorry, just ignore him, sorry" about the Orange Don to anyone who matters in the entire south east Asian region, but the christian jihadist Mike Pence has decided to take some "me time" in my neighbourhood over the past couple of days, and is generally making a pest of himself.

I thought the division of responisbilities was:

Trump: Taking holidays, Making America Great, Pissing off Friends and Foes alike
Pence: Work, Rolling back human rights, Apologising for Trump.

He's on Trump's turf. Take him back now, please.

Where, pray fucking tell in this above post is there any mention of a "science denier's daughter" petting koala's? I took your neighbourhood comment as a metaphorical reference to the geographical region that you live in. Apparently, you're a lot more local than that.

BTW if you want to be consistent with your anti-science message quit harassing fucking wildlife for financial gain. It's not good for them.

WTF are your talking about? You drinking with Owen or something?
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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I wouldn't want Pence in my neighborhood either. He'd be welcome in rural Bumfuk, Alberta where r-rusty lives.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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cerveloguy wrote:
I wouldn't want Pence in my neighborhood either. He'd be welcome in rural Bumfuk, Alberta where r-rusty lives.

You want to go out for a beer with the Victoria crowd? Good luck with that. You're some kind of special. IE Racist piece of shit.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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cerveloguy wrote:
WTF are your talking about? You drinking with Owen or something?

Nobody need miss the Forge, with rr stepping up with the crack-addled nonsense.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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Pence left this morning, BTW. His next stop is some island in the Pacific.
Saying sorry could really be his full time occupation in Trump's administration.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, I have been drinking with Owen, which something you'll never do.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [racin_rusty] [ In reply to ]
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racin_rusty wrote:
Yes, I have been drinking with Owen, which something you'll never do.

Not something I'd ever want to do. So what kind of redneck hillbilly stuff did you two guys talk about.
Last edited by: cerveloguy: Apr 23, 17 18:45
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
Pence left this morning, BTW. His next stop is some island in the Pacific.
Saying sorry could really be his full time occupation in Trump's administration.

Did he offend any Australian values whilst he was over in your locale?

Swim. Overbike. Walk.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Perseus] [ In reply to ]
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Yep. I was hoping for an epic thread but Boner Idol lacks the grey matter to post anything worth responding to. He is so boring and sophomoric, I don't even mind ending a sentence with a preposition.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [GrimOopNorth] [ In reply to ]
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He has expressed many views in the past that are deeply offensive to Australian values.
While he was here, though, he was reportedly on his best behaviour.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Which ones? Your Aussie values or Turnbulls?

Swim. Overbike. Walk.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [GrimOopNorth] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [GrimOopNorth] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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last tri in 83 wrote:

I really don't understand your obsession.
The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.
That is a moderately interesting fact. Not interesting enough for it to be the only response you have to any topic.
Are you autistic?

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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Glad you sound sure, because he didn't.

Australia - home of the rabbit proof fence

Swim. Overbike. Walk.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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cerveloguy wrote:
racin_rusty wrote:
Yes, I have been drinking with Owen, which something you'll never do.

Not something I'd ever want to do. So what kind of redneck hillbilly stuff did you two guys talk about.

Just keep proving how classy you really are.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

I really don't understand your obsession.
The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.
That is a moderately interesting fact. Not interesting enough for it to be the only response you have to any topic.
Are you autistic?


Uh oh. Those are words worthy of banishment. And to the nicest guy on the LR...
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

Are you autistic?

Halvard might be an annoying condescending generally unpleasant asshole who'd I'd like to see voted off the island but you deserve permanent exile, which is ironic.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.

Um not so much. IIRC Georgia had a small transport population, but the VAST majority of the initial settlers to Oz were transports. Thanks for playing you ignorant fuck.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

I really don't understand your obsession.
The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.
That is a moderately interesting fact. Not interesting enough for it to be the only response you have to any topic.
Are you autistic?


My son is autistic, and he is far brighter and congenial than you, that's for damn sure.

Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [GrimOopNorth] [ In reply to ]
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GrimOopNorth wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
Pence left this morning, BTW. His next stop is some island in the Pacific.
Saying sorry could really be his full time occupation in Trump's administration.

Did he offend any Australian values whilst he was over in your locale?

Australia has values which can be offended? From reading Bone Idol's post I would question that. I would also question the countries teaching of composition. The op is a mess. Took me three tries to figure out what he was trying to say.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.

Um not so much. IIRC Georgia had a small transport population, but the VAST majority of the initial settlers to Oz were transports. Thanks for playing you ignorant fuck.

Yeah, "so much". About 50,000 convicts. Actually, most of them went to Maryland and Virginia. You don't recall correctly, and in fact you are the ignorant fuck. Again.

The main difference was America's treatment of British convicts as "indentured servants"; in practice just slaves. Helped pave the way for the wider American slave trade. Do you recall the slave trade, you ignorant fuck? About a further half million? Australia didn't engage in that - why don't you chest thump about that fact?

Sheeesh. What an ignorant fuck!
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [spot] [ In reply to ]
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spot wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

I really don't understand your obsession.
The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.
That is a moderately interesting fact. Not interesting enough for it to be the only response you have to any topic.
Are you autistic?


My son is autistic, and he is far brighter and congenial than you, that's for damn sure.

I made and intended no comment about your son. I don't doubt his brightness or congeniality. I'm sure he's brighter and more congenial than most contributors to this thread, but enough of damning him with faint praise.

My question was to last tri. One common symptom of autism is narrow, repetitive behaviours, as last tri has exhibited. If his behaviour is the result of autism, which seems a reasonable possibility, certain additional allowances might be made.

You'll note that I made no other comment about last tri. Not even about his brightness or congeniality.

As a parent of an autistic child, what would be more offensive when directed at you or him?

Is he/ are you autistic?
He is/ you are an ignorant fuck? (or lacking grey matter? or an asshole?)

It's interesting what some of the self-righteous bullies on this forum think is OK, or not.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [jwbeuk] [ In reply to ]
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jwbeuk wrote:
GrimOopNorth wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
Pence left this morning, BTW. His next stop is some island in the Pacific.
Saying sorry could really be his full time occupation in Trump's administration.

Did he offend any Australian values whilst he was over in your locale?

Australia has values which can be offended? From reading Bone Idol's post I would question that. I would also question the
countries country’s teaching of composition. The op is a mess. Took me three tries to figure out what he was trying to say.

If you're trying to be that kind of dick, at least get the basics right.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Well that's a new low.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
He has expressed many views in the past that are deeply offensive to Australian values.
While he was here, though, he was reportedly on his best behaviour.

So, you are saying that somebody from another country who has expressed views you find offensive dared set foot in your country. OMG.

Someone has a different viewpoint of you people in Oz? How dare he come there.

That's just unbelievable. I guess he might as well have a price on his head if he makes a post in the LR speaking negatively of Oz.


If you are a Canuck that engages in gratuitous bashing of the US, you are probably on my Iggy List. So, save your self a bunch of typing a response unless you also feel the need to gratuitously bash me. If so, have fun.
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f___ things up" - Barack Obama, 2020
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
spot wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

I really don't understand your obsession.
The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.
That is a moderately interesting fact. Not interesting enough for it to be the only response you have to any topic.
Are you autistic?


My son is autistic, and he is far brighter and congenial than you, that's for damn sure.

I made and intended no comment about your son. I don't doubt his brightness or congeniality. I'm sure he's brighter and more congenial than most contributors to this thread, but enough of damning him with faint praise.

My question was to last tri. One common symptom of autism is narrow, repetitive behaviours, as last tri has exhibited. If his behaviour is the result of autism, which seems a reasonable possibility, certain additional allowances might be made.

You'll note that I made no other comment about last tri. Not even about his brightness or congeniality.

As a parent of an autistic child, what would be more offensive when directed at you or him?

Is he/ are you autistic?
He is/ you are an ignorant fuck? (or lacking grey matter? or an asshole?)

It's interesting what some of the self-righteous bullies on this forum think is OK, or not.

Quoting this for posterity.

And, your protestations are quite hollow. Note that you asked if he was autistic without mentioning any sort of behavior, followed up by #stupidnotagoodenough. Your question about whether or not he was autistic was meant purely to insult last tri, so don't feed us your bullshit about "making certain allowances."

I always knew you were a complete, flaming asshole, but you've sunk to new depths. Congrats.

Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
Last edited by: spot: Apr 24, 17 17:02
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [spot] [ In reply to ]
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spot wrote:

Quoting this for posterity.

And, your protestations are quite hollow. Note that you asked if he was autistic without mentioning any sort of behavior, followed up by #stupidnotagoodenough. Your question about whether or not he was autistic was meant purely to insult last tri, so don't feed us your bullshit about "making certain allowances."

I always knew you were a complete, flaming asshole, but you've sunk to new depths. Congrats.

The behaviour has been mentioned previously. There is a long history there.
I make various allowances for a couple of posters here, including last tri who clearly suffers some kind of mental deficit, which may or may not involve autism spectrum disorder. As you well know, autism is diagnosed by behaviours, not mechanisms. In the face of last tri's compulsive behaviours it is a valid question to ask.

In context don't consider the question an insult. I note that you do, but I disagree. If I wanted to insult him it would be pretty easy, he offers plenty of material. I've completely ignored about the past 20 of his characteristic responses to me, which is an accommodation of what I suspect, but I am curious for confirmation.

If he is not suffering any such disorder, I'll get about the business of calling him a flaming asshole, like the cool & high-minded people do.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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You're being an ass.

Seriously, what kind of dick attempts to use webmd.com or wherever else it is you got your supposedly "common symptoms of autism" and diagnose a stranger online? How much more of a dick does that person have to be to double down on it and then insult someone who, in a perfectly tactful way, shows that it was disrespectful?

You're 10000% in the wrong here.

Bone Idol wrote:
spot wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

I really don't understand your obsession.
The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.
That is a moderately interesting fact. Not interesting enough for it to be the only response you have to any topic.
Are you autistic?


My son is autistic, and he is far brighter and congenial than you, that's for damn sure.

I made and intended no comment about your son. I don't doubt his brightness or congeniality. I'm sure he's brighter and more congenial than most contributors to this thread, but enough of damning him with faint praise.

My question was to last tri. One common symptom of autism is narrow, repetitive behaviours, as last tri has exhibited. If his behaviour is the result of autism, which seems a reasonable possibility, certain additional allowances might be made.

You'll note that I made no other comment about last tri. Not even about his brightness or congeniality.

As a parent of an autistic child, what would be more offensive when directed at you or him?

Is he/ are you autistic?
He is/ you are an ignorant fuck? (or lacking grey matter? or an asshole?)

It's interesting what some of the self-righteous bullies on this forum think is OK, or not.
Last edited by: MidwestRoadie: Apr 24, 17 20:33
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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can you guys do me a favor? took a fall on the bike today. at 60, i don't bounce as well as i used to. there are 3 or 4 of you who'll probably regret your comments on the thread in a day or 2, so, can we accelerate that process and start regretting it now? enough to throttle back the comments?

because i'd really like to take some luscious pain killers but i can't if i have to watch you all in this thread.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Hopefully they will!
Heal well.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
windywave wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.

Um not so much. IIRC Georgia had a small transport population, but the VAST majority of the initial settlers to Oz were transports. Thanks for playing you ignorant fuck.

Yeah, "so much". About 50,000 convicts. Actually, most of them went to Maryland and Virginia. You don't recall correctly, and in fact you are the ignorant fuck. Again.

The main difference was America's treatment of British convicts as "indentured servants"; in practice just slaves. Helped pave the way for the wider American slave trade. Do you recall the slave trade, you ignorant fuck? About a further half million? Australia didn't engage in that - why don't you chest thump about that fact?

Sheeesh. What an ignorant fuck!

Georgia was founded as a penal colony, just like Australia. 50,000 over 100 years or so is 500 per year. Egads. Indentured servitude was not transportation and not slavery, but nice try. I studied the First Fleet a bit and the make up of the prisoners was "interesting." Just because your great great grandpa was a two bit thief and great granny a ha'penny hooker doesn't mean you should let your sociopathic tendencies come through. Thanks for playing though.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
Hopefully they will!
Heal well.

He's talking about you, dipshit.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
can you guys do me a favor? took a fall on the bike today. at 60, i don't bounce as well as i used to. there are 3 or 4 of you who'll probably regret your comments on the thread in a day or 2, so, can we accelerate that process and start regretting it now? enough to throttle back the comments?

because i'd really like to take some luscious pain killers but i can't if i have to watch you all in this thread.

Feel better. Just put Bone Idol in the penalty box and all will be well, unless his whole autistic shtick is cool with you.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
windywave wrote:
Bone Idol wrote:
last tri in 83 wrote:

The USA and Australia were both previously British convict settlements.

Um not so much. IIRC Georgia had a small transport population, but the VAST majority of the initial settlers to Oz were transports. Thanks for playing you ignorant fuck.

Yeah, "so much". About 50,000 convicts. Actually, most of them went to Maryland and Virginia. You don't recall correctly, and in fact you are the ignorant fuck. Again.

The main difference was America's treatment of British convicts as "indentured servants"; in practice just slaves. Helped pave the way for the wider American slave trade. Do you recall the slave trade, you ignorant fuck? About a further half million? Australia didn't engage in that - why don't you chest thump about that fact?

Sheeesh. What an ignorant fuck!

Do you recall how the Aboriginal people were are are treated to this day? You might want to shut your cock holster long enough to actually look in the mirror before talking about anyone else's actions.

"You lie!" The Prophet Joe Wilson
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Bone Idol] [ In reply to ]
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Bone Idol wrote:
Hopefully they will!
Heal well.

No.. No.. he wasn't talking about you. Keep doubling down on your idiocy. Maybe then there will be one less asshole on here.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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last tri in 83 wrote:

It is estimated that 25% of Australians has convict ancestry. In the past having convict ancestry was a source of shame. Today, a convict ancestor is a matter of pride.

Australian nationalists view the penal past as an era when the British ruling class unjustly persecuted workers and revolutionaries. Convicts were sent to Australia because of their “struggles for freedom” or trivial offences.


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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Ironnerd] [ In reply to ]
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By "struggles for freedom" the nationalists mean groups like the Luddites, right?

Swim. Overbike. Walk.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [GrimOopNorth] [ In reply to ]
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The Luddites were generally misunderstood. They didn't object to technology so much as the dehumanizing aspects of technology. Many of the convicts shipped to Australia had committed crimes like petty theft or prostitution basically to stay alive. They couldn't pay their way out of jail so they often opted or were co-opted into transport. That being said I am not a bone idol fan.

GrimOopNorth wrote:
By "struggles for freedom" the nationalists mean groups like the Luddites, right?

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [GrimOopNorth] [ In reply to ]
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GrimOopNorth wrote:
By "struggles for freedom" the nationalists mean groups like the Luddites, right?

As Len pointed out the Luddites were protesting the use of machinery in a "fraudulent and deceitful manner" to get around standard labour practices. Convicted Luddites were either executed or sentenced to penal transportation.

Other political prisoners such as Irish rebels, Scottish rebels, striking sailors and other working class rebels were sentenced to transportation in Australia. There were even 150 Canadian rebels transported.

20% of the transportees were female. Prostitution wasn't a transportable offence. Most of the females were sentenced for stealing to feed their families. So there were not any "ha'penny hooker".
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Ironnerd] [ In reply to ]
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Ironnerd wrote:
GrimOopNorth wrote:
Most of the females were sentenced for stealing to feed their families. So there were not any "ha'penny hooker".

Not according to "A Commonwealth of Thieves," which is an excellent book.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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You are correct some of the women were prostitutes. However their crime, which resulted in transportation, was not prostitution, in most cases it was petty theft.
Last edited by: Ironnerd: Apr 26, 17 15:05
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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I should also point out that the Vice President of the USA is welcome to visit the western side of the rabbit proof fence. I will even throw a shrimp on the barbie for him.

Also the use of the word autistic as an insult is wrong.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Ironnerd] [ In reply to ]
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Ironnerd wrote:
windywave wrote:
Ironnerd wrote:
GrimOopNorth wrote:
Most of the females were sentenced for stealing to feed their families. So there were not any "ha'penny hooker".

Not according to "A Commonwealth of Thieves," which is an excellent book.

You are correct some of the women were prostitutes. However their crime, which resulted in transportation, was not prostitution, in most cases it was petty theft.

Not claiming in depth knowledge but a lot of the thievery convictions were a result of being paid or taking payment for services rendered..
i.e. the men would claim the women robbed them when the woman took a watch or cloak because he tried to stiff her.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Ironnerd] [ In reply to ]
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Ironnerd wrote:

Also the use of the word autistic as an insult is wrong.

Only one person disagrees
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [len] [ In reply to ]
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So yes.

Swim. Overbike. Walk.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [Ironnerd] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry for my mistake. I was trying to convey the sense that those transported were generally people who were just in unfortunate life circumstances. Hope you had a happy ANZAC Day!

Ironnerd wrote:
GrimOopNorth wrote:
By "struggles for freedom" the nationalists mean groups like the Luddites, right?

As Len pointed out the Luddites were protesting the use of machinery in a "fraudulent and deceitful manner" to get around standard labour practices. Convicted Luddites were either executed or sentenced to penal transportation.

Other political prisoners such as Irish rebels, Scottish rebels, striking sailors and other working class rebels were sentenced to transportation in Australia. There were even 150 Canadian rebels transported.

20% of the transportees were female. Prostitution wasn't a transportable offence. Most of the females were sentenced for stealing to feed their families. So there were not any "ha'penny hooker".

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Ironnerd wrote:
GrimOopNorth wrote:
Most of the females were sentenced for stealing to feed their families. So there were not any "ha'penny hooker".

Not according to "A Commonwealth of Thieves," which is an excellent book.

I'm pretty sure that quote doesn't come from me. Please amend.

Swim. Overbike. Walk.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [GrimOopNorth] [ In reply to ]
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GrimOopNorth. The error in the quoting occurred in my post which Windy Wave then quoted. Not sure how the error occurred in my post. I have corrected my post.
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [len] [ In reply to ]
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len wrote:
Sorry for my mistake. I was trying to convey the sense that those transported were generally people who were just in unfortunate life circumstances. Hope you had a happy ANZAC Day!

Actually I was agreeing with you. While some were political prisoners the majority were sentenced for petty crimes.

Unfortunately I had to work on ANZAC day
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Re: Religious extremist in my suburb. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Not according to "A Commonwealth of Thieves," which is an excellent book.

I have just ordered this book. I have enjoyed a number of Tom Keneally's books previously.
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