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Re: The Official, All Encompassing, Lionel Sanders Thread [Ajax Bay]
Ajax Bay wrote:
monty wrote:
"How was Sam fatigued in Oceanside"
He wasn't, dont feed the troll..He may have looked fatigued because it was the one race this season where he didnt get to do his own pace, and someone was stretching him to his limits on the run. . . . But when you are head to head on the run with someone surging, attacking, and basically keeping you from your comfortable race pace, of course you are going to look bad if you're getting dropped.

Sam has just been on fire this entire season, and I havent seen one instance of where he has suffered from racing or the travel. Seems like 100% top fit and tapered races he has had, which is a real testament to his coach at the moment...
Think Long burnt additional matches on the bike at Oceanside as he, with purpose, "surged, attacked, stretching him self to his limits" in the last 30km an effort to drop the last rider in the train whom he thought was Geens. And we know that was actually Riele (@TriSki20 OTP): Geens had dropped off and entered T2 3+ minutes down. Geens ran faster than Long (so the rationale was good). But Long had an eponymous companion 12m back who turned out to be the main competition.
Would've been good to see a rematch in San Francisco but I'm guessing that won't happen.
Good to see you give his coach due credit: so often their influence isn't noted.

This is awesome. We are talking about Sam Long's racing and Sam Long the coach in a thread about Lionel. The internet can officially be shut down now!!!
Last edited by: devashish_paul: May 11, 24 6:10

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