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Re: Bike Accident - What to Do [imswimmer328]
imswimmer328 wrote:
Without being able to see the original post, what's the problem with someone trying to be made whole? If it was a group ride/race crash, then that's part of the risk you take when participating, but assuming OP was hit by a car or something similar, you're potentially talking about tens of thousands of dollars in damage and medical bills, I'd think that's a very reasonable time to sue.

Sadly, we live in a sue happy society (at least in the US). First reaction is to sue. Personal injury lawyers are not in the business of making their clients whole. They are in the business of making as much money as possible. There are chiropractors who advertise as being "Auto Accident Chiropractors," as if that is a medical specialty. As a result, we all pay more for insurance.

Ask yourself, why the OP deleted his thread. The truth doesn't change. Did he post something he now fears a lawyer will tell him isn't good for his case? Will he now change his story?

BTW, the OP claimed he was hit, but then said something about the driver opening his door into him. But we will never know, because he has reserved the right to change the story. As they say in the mafia, never write when you can speak, and never speak when you can nod.
Last edited by: imsparticus: May 9, 24 17:11

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  • Post edited by imsparticus (Dawson Saddle) on May 9, 24 17:11