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Re: T100 Singapore [Lurker4]
But I am a little surprised that KB is sticking to his plan so far.


You aren't going to win a medal in ITU in 2024 if you aren't 100% focused on Paris. That's for both male or females. It's too specialized to think you can cross train other race distances 3-4 months out from the Olympics.

With Knibb essentially "hedging her bets" if she's truly racing 70.3's in this final build up, to me she's going to be along with Duffy (who I dont think can run well w/ her knee issue) will be really great animators in the race and then others will win medals. At best Knibb's chances are best as a wildcard, she's still likely not among the best of the best runners in the sport (she's very close, but close doesn't matter in the Olympics; either you are or you aren't; no awards for 4th place), so she's going to have to try and ride away from the group but on that course with that front group, that's likely a losing proposition. Boring flat courses are the worst course for a Knibb style athlete when all the world's best are present. If this was Rio, I'd 100% put her as the favorite. Not on an non-tech flat boring bike, her bike strenght is basically cancelled out for the most part.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Mar 22, 24 19:36

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  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 22, 24 19:36