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Re: Reserve Wheels [Sbradley11]
I'm in the market for some new race wheels within the next 6-12 months so this is a timely post as I have been eyeing the princeton wheels. I have previously been a zipp brand snob but I'm looking for something faster this time around. Also looking for tubeless wheels (my current zipps aren't tubeless ready).

I know princeton had some white papers a few years ago but that was on some of their older wheels and isn't available on their website anymore. And I agree that ineos typically seems to know what they are doing.

For whatever reason, HED wheels don't get me excited to ride them (same with flo). I don't know what it is but they are just meh to me. I had some jet blacks as training wheels on my previous rim brake bike and they were great for training wheels. IMO, they just seem to be lacking something for racing. It's nothing personal and probably more emotional but it's just a feeling I have. I haven't seen their newer vanquish wheels (they are all carbon now I think) in person so maybe that has changed.

I would be interested in DTSwiss but not sure how support would be for the USA and I'm unsure if you can get them easily in the states.

Princeton, Enve, DTSwiss are on the top of my list currently.

Last edited by: stevej: Mar 20, 24 10:19

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  • Post edited by stevej (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 20, 24 10:19