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Re: Project Sub 2:50 (Boston Marathon) + Sub :50 (100 free scy) at 40yrs old [devashish_paul]
I think it can be very tempting to make comparisons and extrapolate. Mind you I am Lochte’s age and a year older than Phelps, so by the time I made it to my freshmen year of college, my generation was seeing in the making the next underwater evolution.

As you probably know, underwater are very individual (I just recorded an interview with Jesse Vassallo and we covered a lot about that and his involvement in pioneering). My underwaters are ok but I can definitely might be able to get back another half second.

Funny you mention the LCM comparison because the whole project idea originated from pushing a 1:00 when I was swimming with a master’s friend back in Puerto Rico when I visited last month. I had just finished a monster set (70x100s with the youngsters and was holding 1:10-1:12s leaving around 1:30). my friend thought I could def push closer to :58 with a tech suit. I don’t have a LCM right now to see if I could do that hence the sub :50 to make it more interesting.

I find it interesting that it feels here that the sub 2:50 is the “easy” one, but still need to put the run miles and stay healthy !

Last edited by: swimtotri: Feb 3, 24 16:05

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  • Post edited by swimtotri (Cloudburst Summit) on Feb 3, 24 16:05