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Re: Newbie XC Race Report and a Ski Question for the Experts [Slowerthanyou]
Also and not sure if you really want to go deep into nordic skiing but if you do here are some things that can help:

1. going to a good highly specialized ski store to be educated on nordic equipment. There are a range of equipment related topics to learn about like skiis, poles, wax, boots, clothing, etc. A good nordic store will have clinics on waxing and other stuff. Boulder Nordic Sport is a good one in Colorado, and I know there is a really good one in Steamboat too. Your average ski store will be way off the mark for nordic.

2. If you ever go to the pool and see slow swimmers and wonder why they just keep repeating the process over and over thats how I feel about 90% of the nordic skiers I see. Get some good lessons. You said you were not getting kick which may be ski related or may be technique related. Your kick has to be straight down into the snow like you are stepping on a bug with the ball of your foot, and you have to do that with a forward body position. Downhill technique can be taught. If you were snowplowing you were losing tuns of time to those who were step turning and tucking on way faster skis. Watch world cups on Youtube. Nordic is like swimming, being adult onset dooms you to mediocrity unless you put in the hours. (its up to you whether you are that interested of course). Nordic is 100 small movements combined with weight transfer and balance. Get lessons, they are super helpful.

3 But do bear in mind if you live some where you can ski nordic is a great way to train for triathlon. I see much higher HRs with much lower RPE while skiing and overall its like a superfood of sports. For me I try to get a lot of time in skiing during the winter and just do a few base workouts with biking, running, and swimming, nordic truly covers everything well. The sad part is only about maybe 10% of slowtwitchers actually live somewhere where they can ski regularly. I am lucky to live 10 mins from lighted nordic trails with snowmaking, and 30 from 2 major nordic areas, so I take full advantage of it.
Last edited by: endosch2: Jan 30, 24 8:28

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  • Post edited by endosch2 (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 30, 24 8:20
  • Post edited by endosch2 (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 30, 24 8:28