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Re: **SPOILERS** Bike Racing Thread, 2023 [trail]
trail wrote:
jstonebarger wrote:
The truly sad thing is that's the only option, as the racers have no other recourse.

There are better ways of getting involved than spitting, though.

As the spit dried, other racers came forward to complain. Two photographers reported being assaulted. Race organizers apologized and promised to improve crowd control. Adri very publicly told drunks to stay home. And Mathieu put this behind him and went on winning.

The UCI fined Mathieu $250 Swiss francs. (Wasn't that what they fined Cipollini for wearing the wrong outfit decades ago?)

What was the better way?
Last edited by: jstonebarger: Jan 2, 24 6:59

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  • Post edited by jstonebarger (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 2, 24 6:59