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Re: How are you and how was your week? Dec. 25 edition [Dr. Tigerchik]
Last week - 2 swims, 4 rides, 5 runs

never came back to writing goals last week, had like 5.5/7 days healthy coping. Main goals were 7/7, and use healthy skills on my travel day and post travel day (that one is tough as I always am soooo tired). I give myself a B+ on travel day and the post travel day

Goals for this week are 1. Healthy coping skills 7/7 2. Journal every day 2. Practice 2 min pauses 2x a day (at least). 3. Get on a sustainable amt of running
as far as (1) yesterday wasn't perfect but it was really really close

The 2 min pause is just set a timer on my phone and sit or lay doing nothing for two min (ok to put music on). It is a calm down technique I am practicing.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: Dr. Tigerchik: Dec 26, 23 6:13

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  • Post edited by Dr. Tigerchik (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 26, 23 6:13