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Re: TriDot and IM Team Up [toddsuttortri]
toddsuttortri wrote:
As someone who has never used TriDot, how does it even work? Do the athletes have any relationship with the coach or does an athlete pay the monthly cost to say they are coached by Mark Allen? I imagine Mark Allen would have no issues filling an athlete roster if he had a limited number of athletes he can coach and have a meaningful coach-athlete relationship with. I see TriDot as quite clickbaity with having big names associated with the brand.

I am not a big fan of the partnership. I see it as two corporate companies partnering and competing with independent coaches as Ironman tends to do with independent races.

I did not know what Tridot was but then read the press release and thought it would be bad for individual coaches.

Here is what I see that is wrong. You need thiving local communities for this sport to do well. Local race organizers, local on the ground coaches, local traditions, local champions, local age group personalities, local training groups and so on.

Often local coaches can be key "hubs" between all of the above. Tridot is not going to be a "hub" of a local tri community, but a local coach can be.

And by killing the local tri scene, Ironman ensures that the sport gets older and older and eventually there is no youth backfill to sustain the sport.

So Houston, its like we have a rocket already in flight, and we're painting NASA logos on the thing already in flight and putting partner logos on the rocket, but eventually she's gonna run out of fuel and we're not building the next space flights.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Dec 12, 23 4:17

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