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Re: For the Sports Docs - Pulmonary embolysm(PE) [WannaB]
WannaB........I understand completely and am truly thankful for your input and advice here.

However the lung specialist did state that the hematology report concluded that the cause was a blood protein marker, that could be genetic OR related to previous UC. I state previous as I have had ZERO issues since the colon was removed.

Thinking back over the past year, I have done a few things differently that I hope may be 'behavioral' changes that "may" have contributed to the PE as opposed to blood protein, although from my uneducated perspective;

- I have not raced any anaerobic events since before I had a total colectomy(2013/14), I started racing 10km stand alone running events this past year where I really push it, specifically in the final 3km's hitting Z5 and basically going at 95% of my max HR for the final 1.5 - 2.0 km. In training I have been doing hard 400's, but only as 5% of my overall run volume of which 85% is at Z2.

- I live in a city where a car is unnecessary as public transportation is extremely close, cheap and comfortable. I bought a new and very comfortable SUV one year ago and besides driving 3-4 hours (often uninterrupted) to many races and driving back the afternoon of the morning ace, or the following day. Additionally, I drive the same duration every 3-4 weeks for weekend get aways.

Perhaps not coincidentally, the discomfort that was diagnosed as a PE the following day, happened on one of these trips and symptoms started at the end of a 3-4 hour drive.

Thank you very much again !

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" - Les Brown
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment" - Jim Rohn
Last edited by: canuck8: Dec 8, 23 23:58

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  • Post edited by canuck8 (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 8, 23 23:58