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Re: How much does an electrolyte drink really add on race day [MrTri123]
I don't do 140.6 races. Longest tri I do is Olympic. And I haven't done one of those since 2018? I'm a 2:20 oly type.

Generally, I superhydrate before the start, and leave the dock with a belly full. Half a bottle while in T1. 1 20oz bottle on the bike, finish other half of bottle in T2. I usually finish a race like that 2.5 lbs down from when I wake up.

I once finished a 6 hour event, 25 years ago, over 10 lbs down from race start. It's Long story involving gastric upset, diarhea, and incompatible on-course fluids. I learned a lesson about knowing the race sponsor before hand that year. That was pretty miserable. I learned to carry concentrate and mix with water on course for races where I can't carry enough premixed.

The logistics is a bit annoying. That is part of the reason I don't do longer events anymore. That said, I I give this ultra-running series a go... I'll have to figure some things out.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Dec 6, 23 17:03

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  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 6, 23 17:03