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Re: Cozumel swim [ChrisM]
But doesn’t everyone get over it after disappointment? I’ve never met 1 person pack up after a swim is cancelled. I’m guessing you haven’t either or maybe you have with your comments. I’ve seen people disappointed (and excited for cancelled swims) but I’ve yet to see someone quit because of it.

It’s complete CYA whether that’s ultimately from the RD or the safety procedures who makes the final call. There is no downside to defaulting canceling vs doing a swim in “adverse” conditions from a race decision standpoint. Zero reason to even attempt a swim anymore these days. Just cancel it and force the racers to deal with it, and if you don’t think that’s due to how shitty we are at race prep now, cool. I just ain’t buying that reasoning. I just think what today is “adverse” conditions is not what actually is adverse most of the time in todays tri.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Nov 27, 23 17:20

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  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 27, 23 17:15
  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 27, 23 17:20