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Re: Diana Nyad’s Swimming Brought Her Glory, Fame, And An Adversary Dedicated To Exposing Her Lies [Fleck]
I dunno about that --- There are plenty of things that I've done in my life that don't sound like they could've really happened, although I know they did [being in the band Cinderella for a day; meeting Keith Richards & Madonna backstage at LiveAid; almost being murdered - twice; plenty of others]

Some stories I've told here and there cannot be fully confirmed, as the principles - besides me - have no online presence that I've been able to track down, to reach out and ask "Help me out. It went like this, right?" (Look how long it took to confirm me encounter with Bart Yasso, when he told me, and the small crowd around us "All Runners are Liars")

So, I've gotten in the habit of saying "Allegedly" a lot

The fact that I come from a family of bullshitters* doesn't help my credibility at all

"You don't believe me? That's fine; I've told the story(s) enough times that *I* don't believe me either" LOL

But then - to your point - I'm not trying to sell or promote myself as anything that I'm not, either

* On my mom's side, anyway. My dad's side weren't storytellers, by any means - we don't even know for sure how they got here from Norway; we fully suspect that they came over illegally

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: Oct 23, 23 5:55

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  • Post edited by RandMart (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 23, 23 5:55