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Re: IM's Response to PTO is officially released [rrheisler]
It depends on how far back that 10th placed athlete was. If they were 40ish minutes back each time, the pro who won one IM, won a couple 70.3s and was close in the last would still come out ahead.//

Well no right back at ya: You assume that the pros will all be doing the same fulls, they will not. There is going to be a huge amount of cherry picking going on here, and folks will be looking for the weakest fields in the full arenas. Yes some pros will of course do ok with a full win or two good placings, but the Joe Skippers of the world are going to be doing 3 fulls, probably more if they have a bad one, and then fill out with a couple half's. There are a lot of races on that schedule to choose from too, so some easy win race is going to net a lot of lower lever pros a lot of points they would not get at a race with an uber off the front guy or gal...

But in the end with so many chances at points, I'm telling you, it will be 3 fulls and 2 half's that make up most of the top money places at the end of the year. Good enough bonus money to chase towards the top too, so incentivized to over race for many long distance folks that dont crack the top 10 of PTO races
Last edited by: monty: Oct 11, 23 19:13

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  • Post edited by monty (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 11, 23 19:13