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Re: Biker targeted and hit and killed on video by teens in Las Vegas [alex_korr]
I saw this in my local paper today:


In this case, of course, the perpetrator didn't intentionally kill anyone, but he was driving 25 mph over a 25 mph speed limit and then fled the scene (hit and run). Punishment? 4 years in prison.

I realize this is far different from intentionally running someone off the road, but in my opinion, anyone driving a motor vehicle who kills a cylist or pedestrian while either driving recklessly (20+mph over the speed limit or other obvious indication or reckless driving) or impaired (drunk or using a cell phone) should be spending 10+ years in prison. 20 if you flee the scene as this guy did. Four years just seems entirely inadequate to me.

I can't help but think the "juveniles" discussed on this thread will get a similarly light sentence.
Last edited by: ohanapecosh: Sep 23, 23 18:58

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  • Post edited by ohanapecosh (Cloudburst Summit) on Sep 23, 23 18:58