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Re: Biker targeted and hit and killed on video by teens in Las Vegas [cloy]
cloy wrote:
The older I get, the more I support vigilantism... These two people deserve the most excruciating, painful punishment available. Is the brazen bull still a thing?

I don't approve of vigilantism but unfortunately with the justice system doing less and less I can see why many people feel this way and want to get armed, stand their ground and take matters into their own hands.

We definitely need to wait to see the facts, but I wouldn't be surprised if these thugs had prior run ins with the law. So much of this stuff can be stopped if they didn't have a revolving door of a justice system these days...
Last edited by: rhdevries: Sep 18, 23 20:38

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  • Post edited by rhdevries (Cloudburst Summit) on Sep 18, 23 20:38