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Re: Broken Clavicle and 11 Broken Ribs [sward]
So sorry to hear this.

I got hit last September (coming up on the 1 year mark). I broke 3 ribs, my scapula, and obliterated my collarbone. I got a plate and 8 screws, but the break was so bad that bone still isn't fully healed (comminuted fracture, broken into 6 pieces with a couple bone pieces being completely obliterated).

The ribs took about 6, 7 weeks to feel better. Having a pillow to hug if I needed to cough was...slightly helpful. It just sucks, and really all you can do is just wait it out. The collarbone...that's still ongoing. Still doing PT on it, still having a ton of muscle issues/spasms, still can't do certain things (mostly lifting, but endurance in the shoulder took a big hit, so i'm not really swimming more than 2k in a session yet). So I can't really advise on the collarbone, since mine was such a bad and traumatic break.

I was allowed to walk, which I did almost every day. The surgeon said I could get on the trainer as soon as I felt like I could handle the pressure of leaning on the handlebars. I think I got on about...3 or so weeks post-surgery? I wasn't allowed to run until my 6 week surgery follow up. Then I could jog to tolerance, which I handled fairly well except for running downhill. I had to walk downhills until December, because the jarring of my shoulder hurt. I wasn't cleared for anything in the pool until December - not even kicking, sculling, or one arm drills. I wasn't cleared to ride outside until March, 6 months post crash.
Last edited by: IronScholar: Sep 4, 23 12:25

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  • Post edited by IronScholar (Cloudburst Summit) on Sep 4, 23 12:25