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Re: "World Champions (LD)" [WhittleFit]
Link to the announcement.

I'm of two minds on whether this is a game changer. We're probably used to thinking of the Long Distance World Champion title as a fake championship. (By "fake" I obviously don't mean fraudulent - you're a "champion" but you're not close to the best guy/gal.)

Meanwhile we saw the field strengths in Ibiza and Milwaukee, without a WT rubber stamp, and I don't think many will dispute they were worthy of championship status.

So it looks like World Triathlon piggybacking on the back of PTO money rather than the PTO raising the profile of its races.

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
Last edited by: kajet: Aug 16, 23 6:00

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  • Post edited by kajet (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 16, 23 6:00