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Re: Dan’s Ku article [Waingro]
We appreciate Dan's articles a lot and the various conversations ongoing on the ST forum, thank you!

The aerodynamic benefits of the patented front of bike technology of the Kú TF1 is going to take some time to settle in with consumers and the industry as a whole. A Dutch invention in sports equipment called the "Clap Skate" also took quite some time before it hit main stream speed skating, but has become the norm for all world class speed skaters these days https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clap_skate

Ultimately race results for both age group athletes and professionals are the best proof a new technology will benefit athletes. Just keep an eye on us over the next 18 months 🤓

We will continue to share aero test data of individual athletes on our website. We prefer to let the data tell the true story. Many stories already of athletes who experienced significant performance improvements as a result of a much improved (pre-purchase) bike fit through any of our Kú fitters, better performances as a result of the aerodynamics of TF1 fork technology and last but not least, for all Kú Next Gen Athletes who have experienced first-hand what an aero camp and can do for their performance. It's definitely not just about the bike, as true performance enhancements is a matter of putting many little pieces of a puzzle together and taking every watt of saving as a step in the right direction. Finding a balance between biomechanics, aerodynamics and performance stability is an art as much as it is science. We love that game and our company management have delivered on world class level in Formula 1, triathlon and business for many years.

We wont argue with the previous forum post about aero testing and we will not share any more new bike-brand to bike-brand comparisons. We will however share athlete-by-athlete how we have helped these athletes gain significant amount of watts on their Kú TF1.

In fact, we have offered every Kú Next Gen athlete a performance improvement guarantee or otherwise money back. Not one customer opted for this offer.

So ultimately for a new brand with real performance ambitions, the only two drivers of success will be 1/ the actual athlete race results and 2/ feedback received from real customers.

1/ Actual athlete race results
On the AG race results, we have not done too shabby in 2022 for a new brand https://www.ku-cycle.com/nextgen/#results and the pro results will start to come in rather sooner than later...

2/ Customer feedback
The final word however is always reserved to our customers, as they took a bet on Kú Cycle as a start-up company offering new technology, so we will for always be grateful for their support and not to forget their feedback after they actually having trained and raced on the Kú TF1: https://www.trustindex.io/...ews/www.ku-cycle.com

Alex Bok
Last edited by: Alex@Ku_Cycle: May 13, 23 9:18

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