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Re: Lionel is nothing if not seriously entertaining. [synthetic]
synthetic wrote:
Nick2413 wrote:
kajet wrote:

Lionel's time is one thing, but the fact that he ended up #2 overall, or - more surprisingly - that Talbot's 46' placed him 31st out of nearly 2k runners... Lionel says the course was long, but it may have been 60-90" long. Even adjusted for that, a 44:30-45:00 doesn't come close to the the top 1.5% anywhere in Europe I think. The course has 240 feet or 72 meters of climbing (about 25% of that being a bridge), so not perfectly flat but nothing spectacular. Out here you'd need a time in the mid-30s to place this high.

Out here in the US you also need a time in the 30s to place that high, albeit high 30s. Something must have been up with that field, or the race was at altitude or in extreme heat or something.

it is not the premier race, better runners do the half and full....speaking of, ashley palson who was winner of badwater , won womens marathon at 2:43. curious to see how much longer the course was via people's strava

In before Camille Herron questions this result and tries to upend someone Paulson's life another time...

Nick2413 wrote:

Out here in the US you also need a time in the 30s to place that high, albeit high 30s. Something must have been up with that field, or the race was at altitude or in extreme heat or something.

RnR Arizona is in Phoenix. Watch the video, it shows you the conditions. It was raining the whole time as the western United States has been getting dumped on since Christmas.

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
Last edited by: TheStroBro: Jan 16, 23 8:56

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  • Post edited by TheStroBro (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 16, 23 8:56