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Re: I Ran 118mi in a Week - Ask Me Anything [Tom_hampton]
Tom_hampton wrote:
ericMPro wrote:

Counterpoint, I’m not getting injured, I’m not even tired. Why would that be?

Good for you? What is that a counterpoint to, exactly? The list of common overuse injuries?

You already stated why you think that is, and I agreed with you. You spoke in vague generalities, without much specifics. But, I agree with the description to the degree of specificity give. However, these injuries still happen to people when following those tenants. Great, they didn't happen to you, this year.


You would think that you would ask a question on an AMA thread.


Do I need to phrase every statement in the form of a question? Is this Jeopardy, are you Alex Trebek reincarnate?

I don't have any questions, because I don't think its that remarkable. Sure its a lot of miles, but I've done it, too...and, with the exact same approach (as near as I can tell from your description. There's still someone around here who's done more for more often...Herbert? I didn't post an AMA for that reason.

What I find interesting is that you think that your sole example somehow represents the possibility for every person on the planet. "I did it, so everyone else can too if they just did exactly like me." That's a rather myopic perspective.

Frankly, I don't really understand what you're being so "testy" about. You're the one who brought up injury, and stated "you didn't understand what all the fuss was about". There's quite a bit of research into the cause, and treatment of these overuse injuries. They aren't well understood on either front. But, I'm glad you think you've found the holy grail.

If you want to clarify my “vague generalities”, ask questions.

If you don’t have any questions, and just want to talk about yourself, start your own thread.

I don’t think, nor never said, that just because I did it everyone can do it. You guys said that. You’re projecting.

I didn’t bring up injury, Nate Thomas did.

I don’t think I’ve found anything, other than what I said in my answer to Nate. I don’t think anything really, other than it’s peculiar. You’re projecting again.

You say it’s unremarkable, but when I say it’s unremarkable (“I don’t get the fuss”) you have a problem with that. I find that inconsistent and incoherent.

What DO I think? I think you don’t have the stones or the talent to steelman the strawman you are assigning to me. What are the possible ways in which Eric is not getting hurt? What did Eric’s coaches do right?


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Last edited by: ericMPro: Nov 23, 22 5:05

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  • Post edited by ericMPro (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 23, 22 5:05