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Re: I Ran 118mi in a Week - Ask Me Anything [ericMPro]
ericMPro wrote:

This is classic ST… “you’re wrong, but let me tell you how I do exactly what you do because it’s right”. Same thing happened in the 200/100 thread with some 13x/wk runner.

Perhaps the injury risk is not associated with running per se but rather associated with being in a cult to some extent or degree… believing the stories you tell yourself.

“Things that cause injury are out of my control, things that don’t are good choices because of my sharp intellect and handsomeness”.


“Things that cause injury are within my control, I can make good choices because of my intellect and good looks. Things that don’t cause injury, or cause no injuries, are out of my control.”

I like my cult better.


That was not my point at all. I did not assert that things that cause injury are out of anyone's control, nor would I assert that my handsomeness (or the the lack of) has anything to do with anything, or any alleged sharp intellect for that matter, either.

My first point was that lots of people get injured running--ergo, there's a reason for a fuss. Its easier in running to do the wrong things---knowingly and unknowingly. Nor was I asserting that *you* weren't doing things right. Quite the contrary.

There are things that most know (or should know) to control, but often don't: frequency, consistency, intensity, and rate of build up...all the things you've pointed out in this and other threads. I completely agree with all those---and likewise make the same points. My own training in 2020 looks nearly identical to what you described above. 13-15 runs per week. With runs of 6-20 miles, and super easy pace (~9mpm with a sub-20 5k the same year). Likewise, I built up to that over a period of ~3 years (from 40mpw in 2018, to 70 mpw in 2019, to 90 - 100 mpw in 2020).

My only point with my anecdote was to compare it with your squats...to say, that I agree that is also a part of what you are doing right. And, that is a less widely understood thing that people can control. I did not (and would not) suggest that squats / hip stabilizer work / etc replaces the other training variables. It all adds up. But, I DO think that mileage amplifies the risks from BAD mechanics.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Nov 22, 22 12:30

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  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 22, 22 12:30