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Re: 2023 IM World Championships: Two Days, Men's and Women's Dedicated Races, in Kona [Dr. Triax]
IN some of these events we will see 55 slots for everyone and 100 for women, so that will be an allocation of 35 for males and 120 for females. In most race female participation is around 30%. Can anyone else see this is a bit of an over compenstion!

I think a reasonable amount of women in tri slots is ok, but why does it have to be a female race day and a male race day? Lets mix it up on both days.

Ironman you have lost me, I am doing Kona this year then I am done, I'm going to do some bucket list race like Roth and Alcatraz, I might try do some ITU worlds even, they have never meant much to me as too easy to qualify for, but hey why not now.. My achievement battling to qualify 2 x for kona is now diminished. PTO is talking up a 200km championship, that might be cool, but for me Ironman is now a joke. I agree that it was getting too hard to qualify and more slots is great, but you have got this wrong with just how easy this now will be for Females in the sport v the challenge for Males.
Last edited by: Gilliga: Jul 28, 22 16:23

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  • Post edited by Gilliga (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 28, 22 16:23