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Re: go tubeless they said… it will be fun they said. [damon.lebeouf]
I recently converted my TT bike to tubeless, for use in triathlons after having running tubeless on my gravel bike (which I ride ~90% on pavement) and mountain bike over the past 2 years. It's been great with zero downsides on all 3 bikes. In a race this past weekend on my TT bike, I lost ~2-3 psi between when I pumped the tires up in transition (~90 psi) before the race and after I collected the bike after the race (around 5-6 hrs later). Super minimal and well worth it for me. I'll never go back.
Last edited by: tanzbodeli: Jul 21, 22 11:14

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  • Post edited by tanzbodeli (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 21, 22 11:14