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Re: Orbea Ordu 2021 [pk]
pk wrote:
ericMPro wrote:
pk wrote:
so far its my favorite bike released this year.

for what purpose?

real world value.
and the knowledge that for myself storing nutriton in the front of my tri suit creates negative drag.
so any tri distance.

ps no bike so gave me the feeling i should change from my p4 ...

I’m all about negative drag, but I’m not keeping 2500kcal in my Tri suit. Design fail.

Again, what *purpose*? If I hear you right, you’re saying that you just want to look good on the way to the coffee shop.

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Last edited by: ericMPro: Oct 29, 20 4:04

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  • Post edited by ericMPro (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 29, 20 4:04