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Re: Florida School Shooting [j p o]
j p o wrote:
big kahuna wrote:
Uncle Arqyle wrote:
Ever wonder why shootings are predominantly by males and not females? I think its the way we raise boys these days.

The question that was asked by some serious thinkers yesterday was, are we even raising boys these days, or are we treating them more like problems in need of solving or, at best, an inconvenience to society? They're not allowed to be boys in school or in many other facets of life these days, they say. And with the absence of strong male authority figures in the lives of many of them, what's becoming of them as they exit adolescence and enter (legal) adulthood?

What's also weird is the first cited school shooter, back in January 1979, was a 16-year-old female. Since then, I think it's been 100-percent males.

Quoi? Cited by whom?


1779 would be closer, but those were actually Indians, not from Cleveland. There have been verified school shootings of the type we have now since the mid-1800s.

Aside from the gun debate, there has been school violence at a relatively steady rate since forever. Rapid rates of high powered fire serve to complicate the matter but this is not a new phenomenon and is not tied to the breakdown of the family, conservatism or liberalism.

The Daily Beast cited Brenda Spengler as the first real school shooter in the modern era of such activities. The events you cite were few and far between and had a variety of other input factors.

It appears to me as if you are trying to blame the gun solely because it is a gun and that its magical appearance in our lives has effectuated this seeming rise in school shootings. I agree that it probably has made it easier for some to carry out their evil deeds , but even a cursory examination of the range of school shootings over the last two decades would seem to indicate that there were quite a few demons that drove most of these shooters and that we as a society could have done something to preempt them.

There were a variety of pathologies and issues that these school shooters suffered from. Also, it's not really certain whether any of these people should have been allowed to possess a firearm in the first place.

But, again, we seem to put blinders on when it comes to society's and culture's role in this phenomenon. As well as its duty to step in and do something about it.

At this point, I would just say to the people advocating for more gun control to just admit that they don't want anyone to possess a firearm. I'm fine with that position coming from them. I might disagree with it, but it is a more honest position then I've been reading out there on various media sites.

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
Last edited by: big kahuna: Feb 16, 18 13:11

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  • Post edited by big kahuna (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 16, 18 12:24
  • Post edited by big kahuna (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 16, 18 13:11